Brad Stone, “New Ways to Drive Home the Message”, Newsweek,
May 30, 2005, p. 56

“70 percent of DVR owners skip the ads. Meanwhile, the average wired
consumer now spends more time fiddling with the Internet at work and
home than watching TV.”

Brad Stone, “Hi-Tech’s New Day”, Newsweek, April 11, 2005, p. 62

“75 percent of Americans use the Internet and spend an average three
hours a day online.”

“No Net? We’d Rather Go Without Food.”, Newsweek,
October 11, 2004, p. 14

“…[T]hree quarters of all Americans have access to the Internet,
spending an average of twelve-and-a-half hours a week online…for those
between 12 and 18, usage approaches 100 percent. Though e-mail is still
the No. 1 activity, the study concludes that the Net has profoundly
changed the way we spend money, keep in touch with our friends and get
information (Internet users use the medium as their No. 1 source of
news, despite worries about credibility).”

“More Kids Say Internet Is the Medium They Can’t Live Without,”, April 5, 2002
(thanks to Dick Halpern)

“Given a choice of six media, one-third (33%) of children aged 8
to 17 told KN/SRI that the Web would be the medium they would want to have
if they couldn’t have any others. Television was picked by 26% of kids;
telephone by 21%; and radio by 15%.  For the top three media, results
were dramatically different among girls and boys. Twice as many boys (34%
versus 17%) chose TV as their must-have medium, while telephone was more
than twice as popular (31% versus 12%) among girls. The Internet placed
first with 38% of boys and 28% of girls.”

Percentage of Web users who value a site based on its having:

  • Easy navigation – 80%
  • Trustworthy information – 80
  • Identifiable sources of information – 68
  • Frequent updates – 65
  • A familiar owner – 32

“Television Reloaded”, Newsweek, May 30, 2005, p.

“…[H]ouseholds that receive about 60 channels usually watch only
15.  Households whose systems can receive 96 channels (around the
national average) actually watch … 15.”