However, reports and literature on this subject suggests users attach both meaning and
purpose to URLs or domain names. The capacity of short and long term human memory
is also a factor in URL recall and reconstruction (i.e. where a user cannot remember the
URL but is able to construct the elements based on experience and reasoning abilities).
As a result, URLs with shorter and/or more meaningful names are more easily
remembered and/or accurately reconstructed by Internet and WWW users. For example,
the URL is more easily remembered by those who wish to shop online
at the store called Next, or by those who have already shopped there. Experienced web
users will also be able to construct this URL if asked without previous domain visits –
they are likely to try and maybe amongst other
variations. Other URL names also make use of user domain construct features but there
may still be difficulties. For example, the URL for the Environment Agency in the UK is .The construct of the URL has an implicit meaning,
insofar as it contains the name of the agency it represents. However, users who have not visited this site before may find difficulty in producing a domain construction due to the
hyphen and the .gov classification type